BPN-SAS3-836EL Backplane Manual
2-3. SAS Connectors
The primary and secondary sets of SAS connectors provide expander features
including cascading and failover.
4-5. Expander Chips
These primary and secondary expander chips allow the backplane to support
dual ports, cascading, and failover.
6-10. I
C Connector, UART Connectors, SDB Connectors
The I
C connector, the UART connectors, and the SDB connectors are for manu-
facturing diagnostic purposes only.
11. SMB Connector
This header provides for a connection with an optional JBOD controller board.
12. OVERHEAT_FAIL2 Connector
This header can be connected to an external overheat LED, if desired.
2-2 Front Connector and Pin Definitions
Main Power
4-Pin Connector
Pin# Definition
2 and 3
1. Backplane Main Power Connectors
The 4-pin connectors, designated PWR1,
PWR2, PWR3 and PWR4, provide power
to the backplane. See the table on the right
for pin definitions.