Chapter 6: BIOS (EPYC 7001 Series)
UTF8 encoding to map Unicode characters into one or more bytes. The options are VT100,
, and
Bits per Second
This item sets the transmission speed for a serial port used in Console Redirection. Make
sure that the same speed is used in the host computer and the client computer. A lower
transmission speed may be required for long and busy lines. The options are 9600, 19200,
57600, and
(bits per second).
Flow Control
Use this item to set the flow control for Console Redirection to prevent data loss caused
by buffer overflow. Send a "Stop" signal to stop sending data when the receiving buffer
is full. Send a "Start" signal to start sending data when the receiving buffer is empty. The
options are
Hardware RTS/CTS, and Software Xon/Xoff.
Data Bits
Stop Bits
PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration
This menu provides PCIe/PCI/PnP configuration settings and information.
PCI Bus Driver Version
Above 4G Decoding
This setting
or Disables 64-bit capable devices ability to be decoded in above 4G
address space (only if the system supports 64-bit PCI decoding).
SR-IOV Support
If the system has SR-IOV capable PCI-E devices, this setting will Enable or
Single Root IO Virtualization Support for the system.
PCIe Spread Spectrum
Use this setting to Enable or
PCI-E Spread Spectrum for your system.
Target Link Speed
If supported by hardware and set to Force to x.S GT/S (x being a value of 2.5, 5.0 or 8.0) for
Downstream Ports, this sets an upper limit on Link Operational Speed by restricting the values