Charge WristLight fully before initial use
The 2211 is activated by one pushbutton switch, on top of the light body. Select from low
(15 lumens), medium (60 lumens), and high (300 lumens) outputs as follows:
Pressing and holding the switch will activate the low, medium, and high outputs—in
that order—with 0.75 seconds between changes in light level. Release the switch when the
desired output has been reached. To turn the light off, press the switch again.
Pressing the switch twice, within 0.5 seconds, will activate the high output and then the
low output. To turn the light off, press the switch again.
Pressing the switch once will activate the high output; pressing again, after 0.5 seconds,
will turn the light off.
Using the 2211 with a handgun
Activate light—strapped to your support (non-gun) hand—before drawing pistol from holster.
Deactivate light after safely holstering pistol. Be sure to follow firearm safety guidelines.
NOTE: The 2211 WristLight may become warm during extended use. This is the natural
byproduct of thermal management of its high-performance LED.
Periodically wipe the WristLight clean with a clean wet or dry cloth. For tips on properly
maintaining your SureFire illumination tool, visit www.surefire.com/faqs-maintenance.