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Form 0163G 2815 09/02/08
Superchips Inc
Superchips Inc.
1790 East Airport Blvd., Sanford, FL. 32773 (407) 585-7000 http://www.Superchips.com
Superchip & Superchips are registered trademarks of Superchips, Inc.
Section B – (F.A.Q) Frequently Asked Questions
C. FLASHPAQ ‘Tuner Requires an Update’
Solution: Your FLASHPAQ Tuner does not have the calibration files necessary to tune your
vehicle; therefore a database update may be necessary.
Write down any screen prompted text, such as
Tuner Requires
an Update...
Please visit
to update your tuner!
If you have internet access follow below, if not skip to step 4
From any PC running Windows XP/2000 or higher
Connect to the internet
b. Go
Click “New Users” or “Existing Users” (if previously registered)
Follow on screen prompts
i. Install software drivers, as prompted
ii. Run the application to update your tuner
iii. Plug in your supplied USB cable to your PC
iv. When prompted by setup plug in the USB cable to Flashpaq
v. Close
vi. Disconnect
vii. Return to vehicle for programming
Call Superchips customer care center and request a RA #
Follow the check list on the last page of this instruction manual
Ensure you fill out the form completely on the last page
Return ship the tuner to Superchips
D. Vehicle Requires a Factory (Dealer) Update
If your FLASHPAQ Tuner has found your vehicle box code and it is problematic to tune, the
following messages will be displayed:
Vehicle Requires
a Factory Update
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-XX
(XX=a two digit number)
Record this File
Solution: Superchips has found that some stock applications have numerous problems that
have been fixed with an updated stock program available from a dealer for your vehicle. An
update of the stock program in your vehicle is required before your FLASHPAQ Tuner may be
used on your vehicle.
You may call Superchips Customer care center for confirmation that a dealer updated file is
available and instructions about how to have the stock files for your vehicle updated. Write
down both the Code number (#E-XX) and the File Name XXXXXXXXXX and give this to the
Superchips customer care representative.
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Form 0163G 2815 09/02/08
Superchips Inc
Superchips Inc.
1790 East Airport Blvd., Sanford, FL. 32773 (407) 585-7000 http://www.Superchips.com
Superchip & Superchips are registered trademarks of Superchips, Inc.
Section B – (F.A.Q) Frequently Asked Questions
E. Unsupported application
If your particular vehicle or engine type is not currently supported by the FLASHPAQ Tuner,
the following error messages will be displayed:
This application
is unsupported
currently! Call
us if incorrect.
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-36
Solution: Check year, model and engine to verify the FLASHPAQ Tuner being used is correct
for the application. If not, return it to the dealer from which it was purchased for the correct
FLASHPAQ Tuner. If the vehicle is correct for the FLASHPAQ Tuner being used, call
Superchips Customer care center at 407-585-7000 to discuss your issue. Your FLASHPAQ
can be updated via the internet at
rather than be returned for service.
F. Non-Stock File Application
If the FLASHPAQ Tuner has checked your file and cannot match it to a stock file the following
messages will be displayed:
Vehicle File is
Not Stock...
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-43
Solution: This may be because another programmer has been previously used to reprogram
the vehicle. The vehicle computer must be reprogrammed with a valid stock program before
trying to use the Superchips FLASHPAQ Tuner. You may call Superchips Customer care
center for instructions about how to have the stock files for your vehicle updated. Write down
both the Code number (#E-XX) and the File Name XXXXXXXXXX and give this to the
Superchips customer care representative.
G. Locked Vin Number
As long as FLASHPAQ Tuner programming is in a vehicle, the tuner is “locked” to that vehicle.
If an attempt is made to use your “locked” FLASHPAQ Tuner on a different vehicle the
messages will be displayed:
Locked VIN
is mismatched!
Not the Original
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-37
Solution: Return the original vehicle back to stock before using the FLASHPAQ Tuner on a
different vehicle or purchase another FLASHPAQ Tuner for use on a second vehicle.