Transmitting Results
1.With the meter off, hold the M and C keys down at the same
time for 5 seconds until “PC” is displayed.
You will hear:
“Ready to transmit data.”
2.Press the C key to start transmitting. The meter will display
a flashing “
” during the transmission process. When the
” on the screen stops flashing, it indicates the transmission
is completed. The meter will be power off if no action is taken
in 60 seconds or M key is pressed for 2 seconds.
You will hear:
12.Expected Values
BTM SuperCheck2 meter gives plasma equivalent results.
Before eating < 5.6 mmol/L
Two hours after meals < 7.8 mmol/L
Blood glucose levels normally will vary from time to time
depending on food intake, medication dosages, health, stress or
exercise. Consult your physician or healthcare professional for
the target glucose value appropriate for you.
Expected plasma blood glucose values for normal, nondiabetic
adults are as follows.
"Btm SuperCheck2 Glucose Meter allows you to transfer the test
results stored in its memory to your personal computer. However,
you will need to order software and a Data Download Cable separately
from your distributor."
The software and its data download procedure will come as a CD
in the download cable box. You can also check with your distributor
for the software download option. The meter still keeps the results
in the memory after transmitting.