1. Insert six AA alkaline batteries following the printed polarity.
2. Select the desired voltage range (250V/500V/1000V), pos. 2, 3 or 4 for resistance
mea surement or AC750V for voltage measurement.
3. Select the desired resistance range or AC750V for voltage measurement.
4. Connect leads to L and E terminals for resistance measurement.
5. For voltage measurement press 750V button, pos.1.
6. Connect leads to ACV & G for AC voltage measurement.
7. Press power button, pos. 6 to turn the instrument on.
8. Press test button, pos. 8. Turn the knob clockwise to lock it and read the resistance or
voltage value on the display.
9. When “1” only is displayed, as it is shown on the picture, over range is indicated.
This means the resistance is more than 2000 MΩ.
Rev. .01052012
P.O. Box 21, 2230 Landmark Place
Allenwood, NJ 08720 USA
Phone: (732) 223-6644 • Fax: (732) 223-1617
www.supco.com • [email protected]
• To eliminate EMI/FRI (Electro-Magnetic Interference/Radio-Frequency Interference), an
additional probe is provided with the M1000D.
• Connect this probe as shown in the picture and use another standard probe connected to
the terminal “E”.
1. Insert six AA alkaline batteries following the printed polarity.
2. Select the desired voltage range (250V/500V/1000V), pos. 2, 3 or 4 for resistance
mea surement or AC750V for voltage measurement.
3. Select the desired resistance range or AC750V for voltage measurement.
4. Connect leads to L and E terminals for resistance measurement.
5. For voltage measurement press 750V button, pos.1.
6. Connect leads to ACV & G for AC voltage measurement.
7. Press power button, pos. 6 to turn the instrument on.
8. Press test button, pos. 8. Turn the knob clockwise to lock it and read the resistance or
voltage value on the display.
9. When “1” only is displayed, as it is shown on the picture, over range is indicated.
This means the resistance is more than 2000 MΩ.
Rev. 01052012
P.O. Box 21, 2230 Landmark Place
Allenwood, NJ 08720 USA
Phone: (732) 223-6644 • Fax: (732) 223-1617
www.supco.com • [email protected]
• To eliminate EMI/FRI (Electro-Magnetic Interference/Radio-Frequency Interference), an
additional probe is provided with the M1000D.
• Connect this probe as shown in the picture and use another standard probe connected to
the terminal “E”.