User manual
| SORA 2 Plus
| SORA 2 Plus
| page 25
Washing and glider maintenance
It is a good idea to wash your glider from time to time. We recommend using a soft solvent (such as soap) use a brush and rinse
Storage and transport
When not using your glider, store it inside your paragliding rucksack in a dry cool and clean place protected from UV exposure. If
your harness is wet please dry thoroughly before storing. If your glider is wet or humid make sure you dry it out properly
Product longevity and mandatory controls
Irrespective of pre-flight checks, you must have the glider serviced regularly. We recommend that the wing should be checked every
2 years or every 100 flight hours, whichever comes first, and in particular :
• Lines (no excessive wear, no breakages or folds), maillons, attachment points and carabiners
• Materials selected for the SORA 2 Plus ensure the best compromise for lightness and longevity. However in certain conditions,
for example excessive exposure to UV or abrasion or exposure to chemical products, the glider must be submitted to a full check
in a qualified facility. Your safety is at stake.
• Carabiners must be replaced by new ones every five ( 5 ) years by identical models or models recommended by the manufacturer
Even if we have used the best quality materials, your glider may be subject to wear and tear. In this case you must have it checked by
a qualified workshop.
SUPAIR also offers the possibility for its products to be repaired beyond the end of the warranty period. Please contact us either by
telephone or by E-mail [email protected] in order to receive a quote.
In case of premature wear or tear of your gear, you may order the following parts:
* Suspension and brake lines, through a specialized workshop
* Riser maillons, through SUPAIR directly
* Whole risers, through SUPAIR directly
Spare parts