Before using your Sunway Multifunction Cooking
Machine for the first time and after each use, cle
an the appliance and its components and acces
sories carefully.
The contact points on the lower part of the Mi
xing Cup must always be clean and dry.
You must be particularly when removing the
cutting blades of the Mixing Cup since they are
very sharp. To remove or place the blades in the
Mixing Cup, always secure by the upper part of
the blade or use a cloth. (see chapter 5)
All the components and accessories of this
machine (except the main unit) can be washed
in the dishwasher. However, you are strongly re
commended not to leave them in the dishwasher
for long time periods. Place any plastic parts, in
particular the lid of the Mixing Cup, on the upper
shelf of the machine so they are not deformed by
exposure to high temperatures.
The main unit may be cleaned with a damp clo
th. However, use as little water as possible, letting
the cloth drain to avoid the entry of dampness
inside the appliance.
After each use, clean the rubber seal ring pro
perly which is inside the lid.
Dry all the components and accessories of the
Mixing Cup properly after each wash.
Clean the cavity of the central unit with a damp
cloth and dry well.
Never use sharp or pointed objects when cle
aning as you may damage the working parts or
affect the safety of the appliance.
The colour of some plastic parts and accesso
ries may be slightly faded and this will not affect
their quality nor their proper operation.
To clean any food which is stuck to the Mixing
Cup, use an appropriate cleaning agent for stain
less steel utensils.
To clean the Cutting Blade and the Mixing Bla
de, always hold them under running water with
the blade turned upwards. To facilitate cleaning,
use a brush or put in the dishwasher. (see chapter
To clean the Steam Tray and the cooking
Basket, wash them carefully in hot water and with
appropriate detergent or in the dishwasher. To
clean, use a soft cloth and a soft detergent. Avoid
using sharp objects or metal scourers since they
may cause scratches to the material of these ac
Some plastic parts may slightly lose their colour.
This will not affect your health nor the proper ope
ration thereof.
If the Mixing Cup with the Cutting Blade or
Mixing Blade, the lid and the Measuring Cup are
only slightly dirty, a short cleaning operation will
suffice. With this in mind, put around 1 litre of wa
ter and some drops of an appropriate detergent
into the Mixing Cup and select speed 5 or 6. After
this operation, rinse carefully in water and, where
necessary, also use a soft cloth.
Some foods with a high content of citric acid
may cause stains. You are thus recommended to
take these substances as quickly as possible off
the lid , the Spatula, the cooking Basket and all
the parts of the Steam Tray. Any residual stain will
fade away over time and will not affect its quality
or proper operation.