Welcome to your 24 Hour ABPM Study. Included is
everything you need to complete an accurate study on your
blood pressure over a 24 hour period. By completing this
study you will enable your physician to provide the best care
for your health.
Important information for your study:
To get the most accurate results, you must wear the
monitor for 24 hours, especially at night.
Do not get the device wet. If you must shower, please
remove and replace the device afterwards.
You can stop a measurement in progress by pressing the
blue Start/Stop button momentarily.
When a reading is being taken, hold your arm still, naturally
resting by the side of your body and do not talk.
Do not place the cuff over the top of clothing. You may put
loose clothing over the top of the cuff once it is fitted.
Before sleeping, place the monitor on the bed or bed-side
table and make sure that the hose is not kinked and will
not become kinked.
Minor discomfort during readings is common, but
completing the 24-hour study will provide your clinician
with the best possible information for managing your