10 - EN
Important recommendations when installing the collector
- It is very critical to keep the front cover on until the whole circuit is full of thermal fluid
otherwise very high temperatures may appear on the collectors which can damage them.
- Verify again that the inclination towards the outlet of about 1-2% exists. The inclination is
imperative for the air venting of the closed circuit through a venting valve installed at the
highest point of the system.
- If more than one is installed, connect the collectors with appropriate joints thermally
insulated. The distance between them must be kept at the minimum. The system of collectors
should be connected to the hot water tank (heat exchanger of the tank) with tubing properly
insulated. When installing collectors in parallel, it is more practical to use the four outlets
available for the middle ones, connect the lower inlet of the first one on the left to the
discharge of the circulating pump and on the right close with a cap its upper inlet. Then
connect the upper outlet of the last one to the heat exchanger of the tank and close the lower
outlet with a cap.
A circulation pump with appropriate automatism must be used for the circulation of the
thermal liquid in the closed circuits.
Attention must be given so that all collectors have an interrupted slope.
- Prepare the mixture using the thermal fluid and water - please see the PG label