© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Seite 8
März 2020
2.Through the working of water pump, water flow from the filter cover to filter sponge, and then to the
UV-C lamp. Inside of the UV-C lamp the harmful bacteria and algae will be killed. Then the water flow
to outside finally.
3.The UV-C lamp was designed as a closed device, no UV-C will scattering. And UV-C light 253.7nm
will kill the harmful bacteria and algae to keep a good condition of water.
Installation and Maintenance
Please switched off the electrical power when you clean the inside or change the UV-C lamp. When
clean the inside or change the UV-C lamp, please take below part list as your reference.
Connect No.15-16-17-20-21 together, choose a suitable fountain head from 12-13-14 and connect to
No. 15. Then connect fountain set to No.10. Adjust the height of the fountain set and submerge the
equipment under water. If only need this equipment to take water, you can only connect No. 1-2, no
need fountain set.
Maintenance for filter sponge and filter material
1. Take of the fountain set, unload the screw No, 22, and open the two clips on the side of the filter
cover, then you can open the filter cover.
2. Take out the filter sponge and filter material boxes, clean or change these. (suggest to clean the fil-
ter sponge every week)
Maintenance of UVC-Lamp
1. Take out the UV-C lamp and open the safety catch, turn the shading cylinder components (NO. 1-2-
3-4-5-6) in anti-clockwise direction till the block position, then pull out the quartz glass tube. Now you
can change your UV-C lamp.
2. If you need to clean the quartz glass tube, please take out the components inside of the shading
cylinder, unload the screw No.4. Then you can take out the quartz glass tube and clean it.
Maintenance of water pump
1. turn impeller cover in anti-clockwise direction till the block position, then you can separate the the
impeller cover and pump body.
2. Take out the impeller, clean it with clean water and suitable brush.
Storage in winter
1. Take out the equipment from water
2. Clean the equipment thoroughly
3. Check the parts and conditions of the equipment
4. Keep this equipment in a area that free from frost. And in a container that with clean water