5.7 Obstacles and curbs:
• Never descend a curb backwards.
• Do not attempt to climb or descend a series of steps or use
on escalators. It is unsafe to do so and could cause personal
injury or damage the chair. This wheelchair has only been
designed to climb a single step or curb.
• We recommend that users with upper trunk instability wear
ized restraint systems to keep the upright
body position during descending or ascending ramps, curbs
or obstacles.
Always approach a curb at 90° (Fig. 5.1).
• Approach the curb or step, head on at a 90° angle.
• Drive forward slowly and steadily.
• Stop the chair as soon as the caster wheels touch the curb.
• Apply sufficient power to the motors to lift the front of the
chair up onto the curb or step and then apply slightly more
power until the drive wheels climb the curb or step
• As far as possible, keep the joystick in the straight forward
The maximum obstacle or curb climbing height is
(51 mm).
The approach speed and process can vary depending on your
wheelchair drive type and caster wheel choice.
Descending the curb:
Move the chair slowly and carefully in a forward direction
until both front wheels are on the edge of the curb, again in a
90° position to the curb. (Fig. 5.1).
Drive as slowly as possible off the curb with the drive wheels.
Don’t stop the chair during descent of the curb. You will feel
more secure if you can lean backwards, but if you can’t, don’t
worry, the wheelchair is extremely stable. As long as you stay
within its limitation, you will be quite safe.
The rear of the chair will naturally follow down the curb as
you continue to drive slowly forwards.
All powered seating options need to be in home position.
Your powered leg rests may need to be adjusted to give
enough clearance to climb or descend the curb.
We recommend to use the lap strap to feel more secure
during declining the curb. For extra protection we
recommend to fit every chair with leg rests.
Fig. 5.1
Q500M/Q400M General Manual