Last Update 4/2/2008
SUNPAK S34 Heater Manual
© Techrite Controls Australia
To start the heater:
Turn electricity supply
To shut down heater:
Turn electricity supply
If burner fails to ignite, shut dow n
electrical pow er and w ait five (5) minutes before
turning pow er
Performance of Routine Maintenance
Over time, particularly during long periods of
disuse, the heater can accumulate dirt and debris
in and around the pilot and burner. Routine
maintenance should be performed at least once
a y ear by a qualified service technician to insure
the heater is operating properly . More frequent
service may be required for heaters located near
coastal regions. Servicing shall be carried out o nly
by authorised personnel.
Service Instructions
Turn off gas and electricity before attempting any
service to this appliance. Internal w orkings/
components of the heater are located behind
the service door. The service door can be opened
by turning the black knurled knob at least 1/4 turn.
Rotate round slotted disk on control door 90
open. Top of heater may need to be removed if
the gas controls, burner or bur ner orifice is to be
1. Removal of burner
A) Remove grille by removing two ( 2) screws at one
end of grille near cont rol door. Pull dow nw ard at
t he end and grille will loosen. The far end of t he
grille is support ed by t w o ( 2) pins t hat ent er ( 2) holes
in t he reflect or’s far end.
B) Remove t op of heat er by removing six ( 6) screws
holding t op in place.
C) The burn er can be removed w ithout removing t he
pilot elect rode assembly. How ever, ext reme care
should be t aken t o prevent t he burner from
cont act ing t he fragile elect rode w hen removing or
re-inst alling t he burner.
D) To remove t he pilot -elect rode assembly,
disconnect t he elect rical w ire. Det ach t he pilot
t ubing. Remove t he tw o ( 2) screws holding t he pilot
elect rode in place.
E) Remove 9.5mm hex locknut locat ed inside burner
orifice bracket holding piping assembly t o burner. A
22mm 12-point w rench w ill be handy t o loosen t he
9.5mm locknut from the t op of t he heat er.
F) Remove tw o ( 2) screws holding t he end of t he
burner. Carefully slide burner dow n and out . W hen
re-inst alling, be sure bot h ends of t he burner are
beneat h t he reflect or and end flanges.
G) To re-inst all burner, reverse procedure.
2. Removal of TECHRITE AIS spark ignition control
A) Disconnect 240 Volt pow er.
B) Disconnect HT lead.
C) Disconnect tw o (2) valve leads.
D) Disconnect ignitor lead from control
E) Remove tw o (2) screw s and nuts holding
control in place
F) If insufficient removal clearance, loosen
control assembly and move out of w ay.
1. If no spark from electrode; or if gas valve
doesn’t work then:
A) Check pow er supply. Should have 240 volts AC at
cont rol. Use volt met er betw een inlet 240 volts w ire
and groun d t erminal at elect rode plat e t o measure
240 volts.
B) Check cont inuit y. Use ohmmet er. For example,
check resist ance betw een valve w ire and ground.
Should show almost no resist ance ( 0 ohms) through
valve. I f high resist ance, check w ire connect ors.
C) Check spark gap. Should be 2.7m betw een
elect rode t ip and pilot hood. If gap is t oo large,
spark w ill occur at w rong locat ion. If gap is t oo
small, spark may not be hot enough t o light pilot
D) Be sure connect ors are fully insert ed int o ignition
cont rol ( see wiring diagram on rat ing plat e)
2. If insufficient gas flow then:
Burner orifice is blocked. Remove heat er t op,
remove burner orifice ( use 12mm hex w rench) and
t horoughly clean. Spiders oft en craw l int o orifice
hole and make a w eb, blocking t he orifice.