Music Library
The Music Library Screen is shown below. Use the navigation buttons to move
through the music files. The highlighted music starts to play automatically with the
file properties displayed.
Music Library Screen
Pressing ENTER on the remote control will start the playback of all the music
files beginning from the highlighted music file until the last music file in the library,
with a Graphics Equalizer display. While in music playback mode, all the features
such as Next, Previous, Pause, and Resume will work, and pressing ENTER or
STOP will return the display to the Music Library Screen.
Videos Library
The Videos Library Screen is shown below. Use the navigation buttons to move
through the videos. You will see a preview of each video as well as its file
Video Library Screen
Pressing ENTER on the remote control will start a Video Show from the video
currently highlighted. While in the Video Show, all the features such as Next,
Previous, Pause, and Resume will work, and pressing ENTER or STOP will return
the display to the Video Library Screen.