Please do not operate the wheelchair while
6.1.6 Overload protector and undervoltage protector
This unit is designed for wheelchair safety by switching off and on a
protective panel mounted on a lithium battery. It will immediately cut off
power supply if the motor is overloaded or the voltage is too low so as to
protect motors and electrical components from damage. To restore the
protector function, use the charger to charge the wheelchairs or replug
the battery connector. (Fig.16)
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
6.1.7 If no need to drive the wheelchair, release the joystick lever and the
wheelchair will stop immediately.
6.1.8 Safety belt
For your safety, the safety belt must be fastened before you drive the
wheelchair. you must fasten the seat belt when using wheelchairs (Fig.17)
6.2. 1 Preparation before operation
Do not turn on the power switch when sitting on the power wheelchair,
and do turn off the power switch when get off from the wheelchair.
Please fold the pedal first then hold the armrest to sit on the wheelchair;
Do not get off the wheelchair by stepping on the pedal. Otherwise the
wheelchair maybe turned over, which is dangerous.
6.2.2 Practice before operation
Find a spacious place like square and have a assistant to help you
practice until you have enough confidence to operate it.
Be certain to shut down the power when you get on and off the chair,
and set the speed control button to the speed you want.
We recommend you set the lowest speed until you can operate the
electric wheelchair skillfully.
Practice stopping, moving forward and backward. Push the handle and
move the Wheelchair anywhere you want.
6.2.3 Operation Follow the pre-operation practice.