3 September 2014 4
Attach Connector 2 (H) to Post (B1, B2, B3) with bolt (EE), washer (BB) and nut (GG). Do not tighten them at this step.
Attach Gutter (A2) to Post (B1, B2) with bolts (CC, DD) and washer (BB), fix Connector 2 (H) with Gutter (A2) with
bolts (CC, DD) and washer (BB). Do not tighten them at this step.
Attach Fence (C) to Post (B1, B2) with bolt (EE) and washer (BB). Make sure screw holes in Fence (C) are facing out and
at the top.
Attach Gutter (A1) to Post (B3) with bolt (CC) and washer (BB) and fix Connector 2 (H) with Gutter (A1) with bolt (DD)
Attach Gutter (A2) to Post (B3) with bolt (CC) and washer (BB) and fix Connector 2 (H) with Gutter (A2) with bolt (DD)
and washer (BB). Do not tighten them at this step.
Attach Gutter (A2) to Post (B2) with bolt (CC) and washer (BB) and fix Connector 2 (H) with Gutter (A2) with bolt
(DD) and washer (BB). Fasten all the bolts and washers including those that are not fastened at the steps above. Once all of the
gutters are installed, adjust the alignment of the gutters to the posts so that each post and gutter are equal distance apart and that
each post is plumb and vertically aligned with the gutters.