Assembly Instructions
Step 1
Lay parts on ground.
Step 2
Attach lintel (B) to screen (C) and fasten using bolt
(J) and washer (G). Make sure not to cross-thread
bolts (see Fig. 1). Do not overtighten fasteners.
Step 3
Attach poles (D) to centre fitting (A) and fasten using
bolt (F), washer (G) and nut (H) (see Fig.2).
Step 4
Attach poles (E) to centre fittings (A) and fasten
using bolt (F), washer (G) and nut (H) (see Fig. 2).
Step 5
Attach poles (D) to screen (C) and fasten using bolt
(F), washer (G) and nut (H) (see Fig. 3).
Step 6
Attach poles (E) to lintel (B) and fasten using bolt (F),
washer (G) and nut (H) (see Fig. 3).