RS-485 AHDC™ Technology
Since RS-485 is bidirectional which means the driver is turned on only when it
needs to transmit some data, otherwise it is floating. SUNIX developed a new
design to control the direction of driver (On or off) automatically which is called
Auto Hardware Direction Control/Carrier Sense. AHDC/CS™ works on the same
principle and only turns on the driver when UART needs to transmits some data;
but the advantage is that AHDC/CS™.
Auto Hardware Direction Control (AHDC™) technology makes it easier to
manage 2-wire RS-485 half-duplex communications, eliminating the need for
software interference. User does not necessary to write extra code for Windows
applications to control the half-duplex protocol. Auto Hardware Direction Control
(AHDC™) technology is the key feature of SUNIX UART, and this function is
default enabling.