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9.0 Trouble Shooting
1. Why I can not get into Configuration mode when pushing MODE button?:
A: Turn off the power of Bluetooth to Serial Adapter, and remove it from your serial (RS-232) device.
Then apply power to it, and try again (like a hardware RESET).
2. Data is not correctly set and saved.
A: 1. Check if it is staying at Configuration mode.
2. If it is in local setting, check if settings of connecting COM port and Baud Rate are correct.
3. If it is in remote setting, check if its connecting virtual COM port is correct.
4. Check the COM ports settings (parameter) are the same between PC and serial device.
Please refer to page 10 & 19.
3. In DATA mode, automatic link can not be established.
A: 1. Check if remote MAC address is set correctly.
2. Check if PIN code is set to the same.
3. Repeat the pairing processes. That is, repeat the configuration processes for two devices again
to make sure nothing wrong was done.
4. Configuration is OK, but automatic link can not be established.
A: Turn off the power of Bluetooth to Serial Adapter, remove it from your serial (RS-232) device, apply
power to it, and try again (like a hardware RESET).
For a Master Bluetooth to Serial Adapter, it keeps sending a linking request to find another Slave
device, while a Slave Bluetooth to Serial Adapter is waiting to receive any linking request. If you
configure both two Bluetooth to Serial Adapter to all Master states, or to all Slave states, then they
can not link together.
Bluetooth Dongle is staying at Master or Slave state randomly, in a moment, it acts as a Master
device and sends linking request wirelessly, while in another moment, it acts as a Slave device and
is waiting for other Master devices to link with it. Once the link is built, it will stay at the proper mode
which it should be.
Garbage code is received.
A: Wrong RS-232 parameters were set, such as baud rate or parity bit. Configure your Bluetooth to
Serial Adapter to a correct setting again.