SunFounder 250 - Wiki
1. Ensure the receiver is in PWM mode. About shifting the receiver’s mode, please follow the instructions.
2. Connect the signal wire of the ESC to the pin 3 of the receiver, i.e., the yellow wire to pin S, red one to +, and black one to -.
3. Power on the radio transmitter → pull throttle to max → power on ESCs → detects a max throttle signal → beep twice, indicating the max throttle is set
and saved → pull throttle to min within 2 seconds → a long beep indicates the min throttle signal is detected → check the battery’s voltage, beep three
times, indicating the cells quantity of battery → hear the notes “♪ 1 2 3”, indicating it’s ready → pull up the throttle to start → pull up a little to see whether
the motor spins or not.
4. Repeat the operations above to configure the rest motors and ESCs.
Check the Test Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aV-8cS6D_I
5. Section Board and Power Cord Test
Test Operations:
1. Test by multimeter: set the multimeter to Continuity mode (as shown in
of Figure 5-1), check the conductivity of the adjacent “+” points on the
Section Board (as shown in Figure 5-1),t he adjacent “-” points (as shown in Figure 5-2)
Figure 5-1 & Figure 5-2
and two ends of red and black wires in Male T-Plug Adapter Cable (100mm) (Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4).