Electrical Installation
Modules in Series
The FLEX60-160W to FLEX60-185W modules
are strung in pairs to match power ratings
for typical MLPE devices. Electrically connect
adjacent modules (across rows) using 1’ jumper
cables as shown in Figure 4. Jump only one
j-box per module. The other j-box will be
connected to the MLPE. Jump the same j-boxes
for every module pair.
Figure 4 – Create MLPE module pairs using jumpers.
Figure 5 – Connect pair of modules to MLPE.
Figure 6 – Connect MLPEs together
Modules with power ratings greater than 185W
are typically connected directly to a single MLPE
and thus will not be jumped to an adjacent
module as shown in Figure 4.
MLPE Installation
The module level power electronics such as
rapid shutdown devices or optimizers are placed
inside the center of the wire tray and connect the
remaining j-boxes as shown in Figure 5.
Repeat this for every MLPE on the string and then
homerun the first and last MLPEs all the way back
to the combiner box or inverter.
Manage all wires such that they will stay
hidden under the wire tray top cover once it is
installed. Use only solar ties or other polymeric
wire ties with application appropriate UV
and environmental resistance. Do not use
commercially available wire ties from the
hardware stores even if they say UV rated. Do not
use metal ties or clips.
Raceway Top Cover Installation
The raceway top cover provides an appealing
aesthetic to the array by hiding the wires and
MPLEs. It also protects these components from
physical damage and degradation from UV
The top cover is three module widths long and
snaps onto the tray. However, before installing the
top covers, couplers need to be installed at the
end of the rows as shown in Figure 7 and across
every 3 adjacent modules as shown in Figure 8
so adjacent top covers can be joined together.
The coupler comes with the same adhesive as the
wire tray. Follow the same installation guidelines
as the wire tray prior to sticking the coupler at
its designated location. Ensure proper placement
prior to fixing the coupler since removal and
realignment can be difficult.
Once the MLPE is connected to the pair of
modules it is ready to be connected to the MLPE
of the neighboring pair of modules as shown in
Figure 6.