OI01T-300221 SR 905
Before use, read these instructions and those for the half mask respirator and the breathing hose.
The Sundström Safety SR 905 Remote Filter Holder is NISOH approved for use in combination with the SR
900 Half mask Air-purifying Respirator (APR) and the breathing hose SR 951 or SR 952.
The SR 905 remote filter holder has been tested and approved by NIOSH to provide respiratory protection as
required in 42 CFR part 84.
The remote filter holder is to be equipped with filters, chemical cartridges or filter/cartridges combination. The
air is inhaled through the filters/cartridges and the breathing hose to the half mask respirator.
Before occupational use of this respirator a written respiratory protection program must be implement meeting
all the local government requirements. In the United States employers must comply with OSHA 29 CFR
1910.134 which includes medical evaluation, training, and fit testing.