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 •  Ensure nail trimmer is OFF and remove batteries.
 •    Never clean nail trimmer or replace bands with motor ON.
   •  Wipe nail trimmer with a damp cloth.
  •  Never use nail trimmer with water.
   •  Remove Safety Guard and wipe debris with a damp cloth.

 •    This product is recommended to be used with the Safety Guard in place at all times.
 •    This product is intended to be used as a pet nail trimmer only.

For Pets with Long hair

It is very important to 

KeeP your Pet’s hair  

out oF the way

 – it may be best to put a  

stocking or sock over the paw, foot and leg of  

the pet and isolate the nail. Push the nail through  

an opening at the tip of the sock to trim the nails.

Keep the hair away From the tool

how to CLean


Before trimming your pets nails

You should secure your pet before nail trimming. It may be helpful to have another person 

help you restrain and comfort your pet. The operator should have both hands available for 

trimming the pet’s nails.

Rub their paws with your hands and allow them to get used to the touch. 

Introduce the nail trimmer to your pet with it in the OFF position.

Acclimate your pet to the nail trimmer with it ON while giving praise and treats.

After a few rounds of introduction, your pet should be on its way to a safe and  

healthy groom.

Remember – you are in charge. The more assertive you are the more comfortable  

your pet will become. 

Be patient with your pet. Do not use nail trimmer until your pet is  

completely comfortable.  

saFety tiPs
