Sun StorEdge A3500/A3500FC Hardware Configuration Guide • December 1999
AC Power Sequencers—Ultra 2 Power Connector
To connect the power cord:
1. Gain access to the AC power sequencers.
See the documentation that came with the expansion cabinet.
2. Route the power cable from the Ultra 2 host under the expansion cabinet frame on
the same side as the power sequencer.
3. Connect the power cord from the Ultra 2 host into the top power connector of
either power sequencer (
The power connectors are located on the other side of the power sequencer from the
main switch.
4. Reassemble the expansion cabinet.
See the documentation that you received with the expansion cabinet.
Connect Ultra 2
power cord here
Ultra Enterprise
expansion cabinet
and StorEdge
expansion cabinet
power sequencer
1422 mm/56-inch
data center
expansion cabinet
power sequencer