Insertion of a cable, with a ¼” plug on each end, into two TLA-100As will
operate them in stereo for mastering tapes and compressing other program
material. To operate the TLA-100A in stereo, set the Attack and Release
switches the same, and set the Gain Reduction control to the same level on
both units. The channel with the strongest peak will override both units.
The easiest way to do this is to set the Gain Reduction of each unit before
they are stereo linked, then put the Bypass switch on each unit into the link
position. To disable the stereo link, only one switch needs to be in the non-
linked position.
This connection allows for the insertion of an equalizer in the Side Chain.
By doing this, the TLA-100A becomes frequency selective. Program
material with large amounts of low frequency may have the low
frequencies attenuated in the Side Chain, causing the low frequency content
to not affect the Gain Reduction. High frequency response of the Side
Chain may be boosted to help prevent high frequency overload; it becomes
a “de-esser” in this mode.