The 6x8 Greenhouse 185 – Summer Greenhouses
Each corner is fixed in the same way. Use one of
the previously pre-loaded bolts in the side corner
bar and slip over the side cill, place nut on bolt
and finger tighten. Attach the diagonal brace
over pre-loaded bolt and slide into the notch
and finger tighten. For the roof allow a pre-
loaded bolt to ‘fall’ into the notch of the gutter,
again place nut and tighten.
Attaching the gable
Repeat this procedure on all corners. Check all is
square and tighten bolts.
Attaching the corners
Summer Greenhouses 0800 9777 828
For this you will need to identify the following:
6xRoof Glazing bars
Firstly, the ridge has to be fixed to the two gable
ends. At one end, use the pre-loaded bolt in the
roof corner bar to secure the ridge, (as shown).
Position the ridge under the top section of the
glazing bar so that the pre-loaded bolts can be
slid into the slots of the ridge. Tighten the nuts
and repeat the procedure at the other end.
Attaching the ridge
Next fix the six glazing bars. Pre-load two extra
bolts in to the glazing bars on the side of the
shelving and one on the other side. Where the
roof vent is to be positioned you will need to
pre-load an extra one into the glazing bars. This
will carry the vent.
Fixing the roof glazing bars (part)