Calle Verano, 51 - Polígono Industrial Las Monjas -28850 Torrejón de Ardoz - Madrid (ESPAÑA)
CIF A28763647
+34 916774540
Balancing – Wobbling problems
during fan operation
If the fan body wobbles during its operation, this is not a
sign of malfunctioning (even if it wobbles a few centime-
ters). To reduce wobbling, you can, while the fan is off:
1. Check that all blades are properly fastened by tighte-
ning their screws.
2. Check the distance between each blade and the cei-
ling. Measurements to the ceiling can be carried out
as shown in the following diagram. If variations exist
and you have already correctly tightened the screws,
check that all blades have the same shape. If any of
them have a shape that is visibly different, this may be
causing an imbalance during fan operation
If you have completed the previous steps and the wob-
bling has not resolved, you should apply dynamic balan-
cing with the kit provided, as explained below:
1. Turn the fan on to the highest speed so that the greatest
amount of wobbling is produced.
2. Turn off the fan. Select a blade and place a clip on it
(see diagram) halfway between the fastening and the
far edge of the blade.
3. Turn on the fan and check whether the wobbling has
improved or gotten worse. Turn it off once again and
if the wobbling has not improved, place the clip on
another blade. Repeat this process and determine on
which blade it improves the wobbling.
4. Leave the clip on the blade that produces the best re-
sults. Move the clip forward or backwards on this bla-
de until finding the position that offers the best results.
5. Afterwards, remove the clip and place one of the wei-
ghts on the upper part of the center line of the blade
at the position where the clip was located.
Rotation direction: summer and winter
The sliding switch controls the direction, whether clockwi-
se or counterclockwise.
Summer option/down -
he downwards air current creates
a refreshing effect as indicated in diagram A.
Winter option/up -
An ascending air current pushes hot
air away from the fan area near the ceiling, as indicated
in diagram B. This allows you to use less central heating.