Figure 1
Figure 1A
W A R N IN G ! Installation of this appliance m ust be m ade in accordance w ith
the w ritten instruc tions p rovided in this m an ual. N o ag en t, rep res en tative
or em ployee of Su b u rb an or other person has the authority to change,
m odify or w aive any provisio n o f th e instructions contained in this
m anual.
C AU TIO N : If possible, do not install the w ater heater to w here the vent can
be cove re d o r obstructed w hen any door on the tra iler is opened. If this is
not possible, then the tra ve l of the door m ust be re stricted in order to
provide a 6" m inim um clearance betw een the w ater heater vent and any door
w henever the door is opened.
C AU TIO N : D ue to the differences in vinyl siding, this appliance should not
be installed on vinyl siding w ithout first consulting w ith the m anufacturer of
the siding or cutting the siding aw ay from the area around the appliance
ve nt.
C A U T IO N : In any installation in w hich the vent of this appliance can be
covered due to the construction of the R V or som e special feature of the R V
such as slide out, pop-up etc., alw ays insure tha t the appliance cannot be
operated by setting the therm ostat to the positive “O FF” position and
shutting off all electrical and gas supply to the appliance.
C AU TIO N : D o not install this appliance to w here the vent term inates below
a slide-out. This appliance is not to be installed under any overhang. It m ust
be free and clear of any type overhang.
T his installation m ust conform with the requirem ents of the authority having
ju ris d iction or in the absence of such requirem ents w ith the latest edition o f th e
N ational F ue l G as C ode AN S I Z223.1; and the latest edition of the A m erican
N ational S tandard for R ecreational V ehicles-501C . In C anada the installatio n
should conform with the follow ing standards.
A .
For installation in R ecreational V ehicle
G as - C S A standard CS A Z240.4.2 Installation R equirem ents for Propane
A ppliances and E quipm ent in R ecreational V ehicles.
E lectrical - C S A standard C 22.2 N o. 148/Z240.6.2 E lectrical R equirem ents
for R ecreational V ehicles.
P lum bing - C S A standard CS A Z240.3.2 Plum bing R equ irem ents for
R ecreational V ehicles.
B .
For installation in Mobile Housing
G as - C S A stan dard CS A Z240.4.1 Installation R equirem ents for G as
B urning A ppliances and E quipm ent in M obile H om es.
E lectrical - C S A standard CS A C 22.1 Canadian E lectrical C ode Part 1.
P lum bing - C S A standard C S A Z240.3.1 P lum bing R equirem ents for M obile
H om es.
T he appliance shall be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any
pressure testing of the system .
T he app lian ce a nd its gas connections shall be leak tested before placing the
appliance in operation.
A ll air for com bustion m ust be supplied from outside the structure. Air for
com bustion m ust not be supplied from occupied spaces.
M inim um clearance from com bustible construction on sides, top, floor and rear
= 0 inches. Provide room for access to rear of heater for servicing.
P rovide an opening flush w ith floor in o uter w all of coa ch a s sho w n. W all of coach
sh ou ld b e fra m e d as sh ow n in F ig ure 1 . M ain ta in in sid e dim e nsio ns liste d be lo w.
D o not install on carpet unless the carpet is cov e red by a m etal or w ood shield
covering the entire area underneath the water heater. If you prefer, you m ay cut
away the carpet from this area.
(S ee Figure 2 for Illustration)
A .
P osition heater into fram ed o pening a s illustrated. S lide unit into opening until
the front of the control housing is flush with the exterior coach skin.
B .
Secure the control housing to the coach wall (fram ed opening) at the top and
sides of control h o u s in g com partm ent using screw s or other suitable fasteners.
R ecess the screws or fasteners back far enou gh from the front edge of control
housing (approxim ately 1 1/2") in order to clear the flange on door fram e. The door
fram e, w hen installed, m ust not overlap onto screw or other fastener head. N O T E :
C aulk around screw or fastener heads to assure water tight seal.
C .
Install chock s, one on each side of water heater, as illustrated in Figure 1A .
D .
On m esa or yoder type sidewalls, flatten the wall area around the opening.
E .
Caulk around fram ed opening (trailer skin) as illustrated.
C aulk a ro u n d door fram e using 2 beads of silicone caulk ing (or suitable
caulking) - one on flange to seal to control housing and one around back side of
fram e to seal to coach sk in. (S ee detail A in illustration.)
G .
Insert do or fram e into co ntrol housing and secure w ith three (3) N o. 8-15 x 3
1/2" screws provided.
H .
To install door, place the two holes in the bottom of the door over the door pins
on the fram e. C los e the d oor so that the latch protrudes through the slot in the
door. T urn latch 90 degrees to fasten door.
(S ee Figure 3 for illustration)
A .
P osition heater into fram ed opening as illustrated.
B .
O n m esa or yoder type sidewalls, flatten the wall area around the opening.
C .
C aulk around fram ed opening (trailer skin) as illustrated.
D .
Lay a bead of silicone caulking (or suitable caulking) around the inner edge of
the control housing (top, bottom and sides). S ee detail “A ” in illustration. T his will
seal fram e to control housing.
E .
Apply a bead of silicone caulk ing (or suitable caulking) around back side of
door fram e. See detail “A ” in illustration. This will seal fram e to coach skin.
Fit the door fram e into control housing (over the caulking already applied) and
p ull fra m e tig h t to co ntro l ho usin g usin g th e th re e (3 ) N o . 8-1 5 x 3 1/2 " scre ws
G .
P ush water heater into fram ed opening until back side of door fram e (now
attached to control housing) is a gainst the side of the coach and firm ly attach with
screws around the perim eter of the fram e. N O T E : T he two (2) holes in bottom of
fram e identified as “A ” in Figure 3 are also used to m ount door hinge to the fram e.
H .
Install chock s, one on each side of water heater, as illustrated in Figure 1A .
A ttach door to fram e as illustrated.
C lose the door so that the door latch protrudes through the slot in th e door.
T urn latch 90 degrees to fasten door.
Содержание SW4P
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