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Wine Storage
Wine Storage
Electronic Control System
#3758410 - Revision C - May, 2014
All wine storage units are equipped with an audio-visual temperature alarm feature, as well as low voltage wiring
provisions to allow the alarm to be tied into a home security alarm system. This section explains the temperature
alarm feature and the audio and/or visual error indicators that may alert a customer of a malfunction.
If the temperature alarm feature is tied into a home security system, the connections are made using the
security system’s logic. If problems occur between the wine storage unit and the security system, then a home
security system technician should be contacted.
Warm Temperature Alarm
A warm temperature alarm can occur if either wine storage compartment remains warm for too long, causing several
consecutive maximum run-time cycles. During a warm temperature alarm, warm temperature readings may be dis-
played at the control panel, the SERVICE indicator will flash (See Figure 3-19). A warm temperature alarm also cuts
power to the compressor and fans, and logs error code “10” or “12” and possibly “15” (covered later in this section),
depending on the compartment experiencing the warm temperature alarm. If the temperature alarm feature has
been enabled by pressing the bell key on the control panel, the BELL ON indicator will also flash, and the audible
alarm will beep. (See Figure 3-20)
To clear the warm temperature alarm, the problem must be corrected, then press the UNIT ON/OFF key to
switch the unit Off, then press it again to switch the unit back ON. (See Figure 3-21) Also see Clearing Error
Codes, later in this section.
Figure 3-19. Warm Temperature Alarm, “SERVICE” Flashing
Figure 3-20. Warm Temperature Alarm with BELL ON Feature Enabled:
“SERVICE” and “BELL ON” Flashing with Audible Alarm Beeping
Figure 3-21. Clear Warm Temperature Alarm, Press UNIT ON/OFF Key to Off, Then ON
(Also see Clearing Error Codes, later in this section.)