by Studiologic®
by Studiologic®
Panel Function
This control allows to read at once all potentiometers physi-
cal position and generate all related controls on the various
parameters, to instantly align the sound generation to the
control panel.
It is a very useful feature when the user is looking for a new
sound and he does not want to manually align all potentio-
meters position to the sound parameters.
The function shows a temporary blinking of the related Led,
and soon after all values are aligned to the potentiometer’s
physical position.
This function is not needed for all buttons selections, since
their are all temporary switches without a stable physical po-
sition and the related lights (led) do always show the current/
correct selected function and/or control.
Modulation / Glide
by using the Shape button, the user can select the
related shape of the Modulating waveform, from the Saw-
tooth to the Random generator; please note the a sine wave
or a triangle is generally used for obtaining symmetrical ef-
fects (such as Vibrato or Tremolo) while the other shapes are
selected by the user’s taste or sound research targets. The
Speed and Depth controls do effect the related parameters.
this button selects the parameters that the user
wants to be modulated by the LFO. The 2 LFO’s do have sepa-
rate controls and all parameters (speed, depth and destinati-
on) can be set separately.
The OSC destination allows to obtain a frequency modula-
tion of the selected oscillator, with the following sequence:
OSC1 - OSC 1+2 – OSC 1+2+3 – OSC 2+3 – OSC 3. After this
sequence, that allows most of the needed combinations, the
destination can be sent to all other parameters (PWM-VOLU-
ME-CUTOFF) by simply pressing the Destination button.
Mod. Wheel:
the Modulation wheel is under a total user’s
control and, selecting the related destination, all kind of mo-
dulations can be assigned. Please note that the functions, se-
lected for the Modulation control, is also generally assigned
to the After-touch function of the keyboard, obtained by
pressing the keys with an extra force, after playing any note.
The Glide On/Off button enables or disables the related ef-
fect, that can be described ad a continuous gliding from one
note to another. This effect can be created on fretless strin-
ged instruments or some brass instruments (e.g. trombone).
It is very common on synthesizers and used throughout all
music styles. Please note that Glide affects the pitch of all
oscillators and the Rate potentiometer allows to control the
related timing. As explained, when the function “Single” is
selected in the Mode area, the Glide effect is applied only on
notes played “legato”, allowing a very useful real time perfor-
mance for solos.