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Numa Compact 2

 by Studiologic®



MIDI (Zone  edit)

Rotating the encoder, after having moved the focus on the pa-
rameter by clicking on it, you can control the selected part Vo-
lume, in a range from 0 to 127; the Zone volumes can be con-
trolled directly also not in EDIT mode, when the MIDI button is 
lighted and the cursor-focus is on one of the Zones.

Once you have selected the SPLIT point for the current PRO-
GRAM (ref: PROGRAM EDIT) you can decide where the selected 
ZONE  should play, in a totally independent way as it follows:

TO LEFT: the zone will play to the left section of the keyboard 
(from A0 to the SPLIT note);
TO RIGHT: the zone will play to the right section of the keybo-
ard (from the SPLIT note to C8);
TO ALL: the zone will play with no split all over the keyboard.

Even with one common SPLIT point (programmable for 
each PROGRAM) the possible settings are almost one 
hundred, considering the status and combinations of 
LOWER+UPPER+ZONEA+ZONEB and the SPLIT settings made 
possible by this function.

This function allows to transpose a Zone; differently from the 
GLOBAL TRANSPOSER, that will effect the entire instrument, 
this function can be set independently for each MIDI zone and 
stored in each PROGRAM, with different values.

You can set the octave (intervals of 12 semitones each) separa-
tely for each Zone; normally you will need to move a zone one 
or two octave up, to the LEFT Zone of a split keyboard,  to play 
chords in a better range. On the other way, sometimes you can 
get a better sound if you move the UPPER zone one or two oc-
taves down; simply experiment the setting you prefer and then 
store it in the current PROGRAM.

Here you can decide if the pedals are enabled or not for each 
Zone independently, according to where the cursor-focus is 
set (on ZONE A or ZONE B).

As for the pedals, also the Sticks can be enabled separately for 
the Zones; please note that the Stick 2 will be set automatically 
to AUTO if the related FX-AUTOSET function is set to ON in the 
GLOBAL EDIT area. To control the Stick 2 assignment manually, 
you can set to OFF the FX-AUTOSET and the function can be 
switched ON or OFF and stored in the Programs.







ZONE EDIT [5/13]





ZONE EDIT [6/13]





ZONE EDIT [7/13]





ZONE EDIT [8/13]





ZONE EDIT [9/13]





ZONE EDIT [11/13]





Содержание NUMACOMPACT 2

Страница 1: ...Manuale d uso Operation Manual Rev 11 04 2017 I E...

Страница 2: ...ter swimming pool bath tub or wet basement If the unit is moved from a cold place to a warm room condensation may occur inside To avoid damage please allow the unit to reach room temperature before sw...

Страница 3: ...Numa Compact 2 by Studiologic 3 E ENGLISH Operation Manual...

Страница 4: ...nes Volume USB Sound MIDI Demo SPLIT Store User programs Sound mode Sounds FX1 FX2 FX Autoset Strings Resonance Damper model Transposer Global tuner Velocity curve Fixed curve Strings resonance Damper...

Страница 5: ...edit Declarations Appendix 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 29 60 61 62 62 Program Change LSB MSB MIDI channel Volume Split assign Transpose Octave Pedal 1 Pedal 2 Stick 1 Stick 2 Aftertouch Sound map MI...

Страница 6: ...ontrols allow to reach a studio quality also noticeable thru the built in digital amplifier and elliptical back reflection speakers The MIDI Module includes 2 independent MIDI zones and all parameters...

Страница 7: ...2 PED1 USB MIDI OUT MIDI IN Operation diagram 1GB Sound engine UPPER Strings resonance FX1 FX2 Rev send Stereo reverb LOWER FX1 FX2 Rev send UPPER LOWER Bass Treble Mastering Volume L R AUX out L R BU...

Страница 8: ...esonance effect on all piano sounds and a Stereo Reverb for an endless variety of combinations of all kind A Volume Bass Treble and Mastering controls allow to get the preferred sound setting and the...

Страница 9: ...ncluded You can use a USB and MIDI out for MIDI data transmission In addition updates of the firmware or the sound library are accessible via USB Please note that the internal amplification system is...

Страница 10: ...if the power con sumption exceeds the computer s range PLEASE NOTE in case of weak or unstable connection use the traditional power see previous paragraph Connect the optional pedal or pedals to the r...

Страница 11: ...ime we re commend you to turn the Volume knob on the Output sec tion to not more than half way between 0 and Full While you are playing you can adjust the volume according to the se lected sounds Adju...

Страница 12: ...the related areas MIDI Sound DEMO Encoder Rotation click Edit Store Lover Upper Parts Zones selection The two buttons marked SOUND and MIDI will toggle bet ween the two related views and controls When...

Страница 13: ...SPLIT and play the UPPER and LOWER parts all over the keyboard in layer mode without split As explained in the EDIT sections the SPLIT button can also be used as a short cut to select the MIXER page...

Страница 14: ...To select another sound of the current Bank rotate the encoder and all available sounds will be shown and selected in sequence from the first to the last page of the Bank The selection can be done dur...

Страница 15: ...i Vibes Marimba FunKlav Cembalo ReedOrg GloKeys BASS GUITAR Ac Bass El Bass Slap Plucked Ny Guitar El Guitar Ac Guitar Jz Guitar 2 Guitars 12 Strings BassRide1 BassRide2 ORGANS JazzOrg1 JazzOrg2 Drawb...

Страница 16: ...effect for that part In addition you will see or change the associated FX using the 2 main LOWER and UPPER buttons below the display You can visualize the Sound and FX structure and signal flow as it...

Страница 17: ...h Rotary the Stick 2 will control the Rotary Slow Fast speed If the FX Autoset function is set to off see the GLOBAL Edit section the function of the Stick 2 will be under Part EDIT with not automatic...

Страница 18: ...dard A 440 Hz You can select a different velocity curve according to your ta ste and playing technique There are 3 factory curves SOFT NORMAL HARD and a programmable FIXED velocity setting with the re...

Страница 19: ...tically assigned to a fun ction according to the setting and the position of the FOCUS cursor If the focus is on UPPER as an example and you have selected an Organ sound with the ROTARY effect the STI...

Страница 20: ...urn on the instrument while keeping pressed the A0 first white key on the left and D1 fourth white key from the left the display will show the message Firmware Upload Open any program able to play a m...

Страница 21: ...AMS SEND RECEIVE window select RECEIVE Open MIDI Ox in the Sysex window choose Command Window Load File and navigate the location where you stored the file Choose Command Window Send Sysex and wait ti...

Страница 22: ...irst key on the left to C8 last key on the right and consequently the middle C below the display is C4 The reference pitch of A 440 Hz is on A4 the A of the same octave of C4 below the sound banks for...

Страница 23: ...on either for the SOUND and MIDI zo nes should play in a totally independent way as it follows TO LEFT the part will play to the left section of the keyboard from A0 to the SPLIT note TO RIGHT the par...

Страница 24: ...fer and then store it in the current PROGRAM The function allows to control the amount of signal to be sent to the REVERB processor independently for the LOWER and UPPER parts and programmable with di...

Страница 25: ...of the Stick 2 modulation control adding some kind of vibrato or si milar modulation to the sound according to the setting Normally you will set the Aftertouch ON for the UPPER part that is commonly u...

Страница 26: ...ith the MIDI button selected and lighted you will enter in the ZONE edit mode when you have selected ZONE edit you can always press the ZONE A or ZONE B buttons to select the zone to be edited or clic...

Страница 27: ...this function can be set independently for each MIDI zone and stored in each PROGRAM with different values You can set the octave intervals of 12 semitones each separa tely for each Zone normally you...

Страница 28: ...ind of vibrato or similar modulation to the sound according to the setting Normally you will set the Aftertouch ON for the UPPER zone that is commonly used for the main musical zone or solo performanc...

Страница 29: ...ation becomes invalid if the device is modified without approval This product is manufactured according to the 2002 95 EC directive The purpose of this EC Directive 2003 108 EC is as a first priority...

Страница 30: ...icino all acqua piscina vasca posti bagnati Se lo strumen to viene spostato da un posto freddo ad una stanza calda si potrebbe formare della condensa all interno Per evitare danni attendere che lo str...

Страница 31: ...Numa Compact 2 by Studiologic 31 I ITALIANO Manuale d uso...

Страница 32: ...Espressione Uscita audio Cuffie Volume USB Sound MIDI Demo Split Store User programs Modalit Sound Suoni FX1 FX2 FX Autoset String Resonance Damper model Transposer Global tuner Velocity curve Fixed...

Страница 33: edit Dichiarazioni Appendix 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 56 57 60 61 62 62 Program Change LSB MSB MIDI channel Volume Split assign Transpose Octave Pedal 1 Pedal 2 Stick 1 Stick 2 Aftertouch Sound ma...

Страница 34: ...g consentono di ottenere una qualit da Studio percepibile anche attraverso gli amplificatori digitali e i diffusori ellittici integrati Il Modulo Midi include 2 zone MIdi indipendenti e tutti i parame...

Страница 35: ...PED1 USB MIDI OUT MIDI IN Schema di funzionamento 1GB Sound engine UPPER Strings resonance FX1 FX2 Rev send Stereo reverb LOWER FX1 FX2 Rev send UPPER LOWER Bass Treble Mastering Volume L R AUX out L...

Страница 36: ...2 differenti tipi di effetto ad entrambe le sezioni Lower e Upper in aggiunta alla sezione Riverbero per una variet infinta di combinazioni I controlli di Volume Bassi Acuti e Mastering consentono di...

Страница 37: ...e la libreria di suoni via USB Avvertenza il sistema di amplificazione interno viene auto maticamente disattivato quando lo strumento alimentato dalla porta USB al fine di evitare un consumo eccessiv...

Страница 38: ...he il consumo di corrente sia eccessivo per il computer NOTA in caso di connessione debole o instabile utilizzare l alimentazione tradizionale vedi paragrafo precedente Connetti il pedale opzionale o...

Страница 39: ...prima volta ti racco mandiamo di impostare il Volume della sezione Output ad un valore intermedio tra lo 0 e il massimo Mentre suoni potrai regolare il volume come desideri La regolazione del Volume a...

Страница 40: ...ive MIDI Sound DEMO Encoder Rotazione click Edit Store Lover Upper Selezione parti e o zone I due pulsanti etichettati SOUND e MIDI portano alternativa mente alle due relative sezioni e controlli Quan...

Страница 41: veloce per abilitare e disabilitare im mediatamente lo SPLIT e suonare le parti UPPER o LOWER in tutta la tastiera in modo Layer senza split Come spiegato nelle sezioni EDIT il pulsante SPLIT pu an...

Страница 42: ...o suono del Bank corrente ruota l encoder e tutti i suoni saranno mostra ti e eselezionati in sequenza dalla prima all ultima pagina del Bank La selezion pu esser fatta nell arco di breve lasso di tem...

Страница 43: ...bes Marimba FunKlav Cembalo ReedOrg GloKeys BASS GUITAR Ac Bass El Bass Slap Plucked Ny Guitar El Guitar Ac Guitar Jz Guitar 2 Guitars 12 Strings BassRide1 BassRide2 ORGANS JazzOrg1 JazzOrg2 DrawbVib...

Страница 44: ...Inoltre puoi vedere o cambiare l FX associato tramite i pulsanti principali LOWER e UPPER sotto al display Puoi visualizzare la struttura del Sound e dell FX e il flusso del segnale come segue Upper...

Страница 45: ...Lower lo Stick2 controller la Modsulation se il focus su Upper e hai un suono di organo con il Rotary lo Stick2 ne controller la velocit Slow Fast Se la funzione FX Autoset impostata su Off vedi la s...

Страница 46: ...non h al ac cordatura standard A 440 Hz Puoi selezionare curve dinamiche diverse secondo il tuo toc co e la tua tecnica esecutiva Ci sono 3 curve di fabbrica Soft NORMAL HARD e una curva FIXED progra...

Страница 47: ...automaticamente ad una funzione secondo l impostazione e la posizione del FOCUS cursore Se il Focus su UPPER ad esempio e hai selezionato un suono di Organ con l effetto Rotary lo STICK 2 controller l...

Страница 48: ...nco da sinistra e D1 quarto tasto bianco da sinistra il display mostrer il messaggio Firmware Upload Aprire qualsiasi programma in grado di leggere un midifile es MIDI Ox per PC QMidi per Mac etc MIDI...

Страница 49: ...cegli Command WindowZLoad File e cerca il file nella cartella dove l avevi memorizzato Scegli Command Window Send Sysex e aspetta fino alla conclusione MAC OS Poi usare un applicazione come SysEx Libr...

Страница 50: ...minata da A0 primo tasto a sinistra a C8 ultimo tasto a destra di conseguenza il DO centrale sotto al display il C4 L intonazione di riferimen to di A 440 Hz su A4 il La della stessa ottava del Do cen...

Страница 51: ...i decidere dove far suonare la sezio ne selezionata LOWER UPPER o ZONEA ZONEB in modo to talmente indipendente come segue TO LEFT la parte suoner nella sezione sinistra della tastiera da A0 alla nota...

Страница 52: ...cemente le tue impostazioni preferite e memorizzale nel PROGRAM La funzione consente di controllare la quantit di segnale che deve essere inviata al processore di REVERB indipendente mente per le part...

Страница 53: ...controllo di modulazione dello STICK 2 aggiunge una spece di vibrato o modula zione al suono secondo le impostazioni Normalmente imposterai l Aftertouch ON per la parte UPPER usata co munemente per la...

Страница 54: ...ith the MIDI button selected and lighted you will enter in the ZONE edit mode when you have selected ZONE edit you can always press the ZONE A or ZONE B buttons to select the zone to be edited or clic...

Страница 55: ...this function can be set independently for each MIDI zone and stored in each PROGRAM with different values You can set the octave intervals of 12 semitones each separa tely for each Zone normally you...

Страница 56: ...ind of vibrato or similar modulation to the sound according to the setting Normally you will set the Aftertouch ON for the UPPER zone that is commonly used for the main musical zone or solo performanc...

Страница 57: ...odotto costruito secondo le direttive 2002 95 EC L adozione delle direttive EG 2003 108 EG volta a prevenire e li mitare il flusso di rifiuti di apparecchiature destinati alle discariche attraverso po...

Страница 58: ......

Страница 59: ...Numa Compact 2 by Studiologic 59 Appendix Appendix...

Страница 60: ...de2 1 33 ORGANS JazzOrg1 0 17 JazzOrg2 1 17 DrawbVib 0 16 AllDrawb 1 16 888 Pure 0 18 888 Scan 1 18 MildSet 2 16 AllEven 3 16 SOUND NAME MIDI BANK PROGRAM CHANGE ORGANS V Org 4 16 F Org 5 16 Pipe1 1 1...

Страница 61: ...e 00 99 Bank select yes no MIDI Mode multi Note On velocity yes yes Note Off velocity yes yes Aftertouch yes yes Pitch Bend yes yes MIDI CC Transmitted Recognized 1 Modulation yes ch 1 2 sound modu la...

Страница 62: ...face Encoder Rotation push Controls 7 potentiometer 20 buttons 2 sticks Inputs Pedals Expression universal Connections MIDI In Out USB Midi In Out USB to HOST power Power Supply DC IN 12V 2 5A Adapter...
