Step Eight
Install armrest to the main desk surface using
screws for wood. Once armrest is in the place,
install main desk surface on the top of the middle
desk surface as shown on the illustration on the
Step Nine
Carefully remove the glass from the main desk
surface and install shorter LED strip as shown in
the illustration. Connecting cable should go out
trough the hole towards down. Carefully put the
glass back in the place.
Optional step if you purchases
LED lighting
If you purchase LED lighting
go to step Nine and get back to this
step after installing LED Stripe
Step Ten
Install rack rails using to the top shelf using M6
screws as shown on the illustration on the right.
Rack rail has threaded and non threaded holes.
Threaded holes should be turned towards front
and rack rails fixed trough non threaded holes to
the top shelf.
Optional step if you purchase
Rack rails