5.3.5 System Update
Options are:
OAD, Update by USB or Backup to USB.
over air Download (oaD)
Select this option in order to update your receiver with the latest software version.
Software update service is available from satellite ASTRA 19.2E.
note: If needed, parameters can be changed. Please ask your local STRONG dealer in
case software update was not successful.
Update by USb
a) Download the required update file for your receiver model from our website www.
strong.tv > Support
b) Unzip the file, copy it to your USB device and connect it to the USB port of receiver.
c) Select
Update by USB
then the update file and press oK.
WaRnIng: neveR DISConneCT The USb DevICe fRoM The ReCeIveR, The ReCeIveR
fRoM The MaIn oR SWITCh The poWeR off DURIng The UpDaTe, baCKUp oR ReSToRe
pRoCeDURe. IT Can DaMage YoUR ReCeIveR anD WaRRanTY WIll voID! aS Soon aS
The UpDaTe haS been fInISheD, The ReCeIveR ReSTaRTS aUToMaTICallY.
d) Once the update is completed, the receiver returns to normal viewing mode and is
ready to use.
backup to USb
This option can be used to store your settings, channels or the complete software.
It can be helpful to re-load your channels after a factory reset or to load the channel order
to more receivers.
a) Connect an USB device to the USB port of receiver.
b) Select
Backup to USB
and press oK.
c) Choose between
User Database
and press oK to start the back-up
will backup system software, while
User Database
will back up
the channel database and settings.
d) Once the backup is completed, the receiver returns to
System Update
e) File
will be created on the USB device if
has been selected
respectively file
User Database
has been selected.
To restore user data
a) Connect the USB device with backup of database to the USB port of receiver.
b) Go to System Setting – System Update and select
Update by USB.
c) Select a file with database backup (The default name of the file is
and press oK.
d) Confirm update.
e) When update of database is completed, the receiver will start with channel #1 on screen.
5.4 Timer
You may set a timer to let the receiver perform designated actions. Use
to select timer. Press
oK to enter the selected timer settings. Press ReD to activate or inactivate the selected timer.