Standard user guide
V51-00-V19 eng
Rights to changes reserved
Par. F: Display readout
1 Output frequency [Hz]
Scaled by Par. G
10 Motor current [A]
Shows the actual motor current
20 DC Link voltage [VDC]
Value: Mains supply x
30 Position readout
Sample value: 12.406
Shows only the first 3 digit: 12.4
31 Position readout
Sample value: 12.406
Scroll: 12.406 = 12.
32 Position readout
Sample value: 12.406
Shows only the last 3 digit: 406
33 Position readout
Sample value: 12.406
Shows only thousands: 012.
40 Slip [Hz]
Par. L and P must be set correct
45 Motor optimal slip in Hz
50 Actual motor revolution
Invert output frequency – motor slip = Actual motor revolution
: Par. G scales the following readout choices: 0, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 45, 50.
Par. G: Scale factor (Readout)
The readout value is scaled by this parameter. E.g. frequency or positions.
Setting area: 0,001 – 1000,000
Setting for no scale : 1,000
In some special programs dose the scale factor also affect readout of some parameters.