User Manual for X5-E0804/E0408
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Day/Night mode: Atuo.
Infrared Light: Auto.
Exposure:Options as shown below,”Auto” mode is as default.
Backlight Compensation:There are 4 options,as picture shows below:
Professional Applications:There are 2 options as below, “inside the car” means camera was installed
inside of the car, “Outside the car” means camera was installed outside of the car. Camera will adjust to
the light and moving speed to capture good image.
Focal Length: It is fixed.
Profile:There are 3 options as shown below:
Anti-flicker: There are 3 options as shown below, it adjust to the frequency of the lights.
Mirror: Mirror the image.
Reverse the image.
HLC: HighLight Compensation
WDR:Wide Dymamic Range,there are 4 options as shown below: