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2. Proper Use
The Strautmann chopper trailer has been designed for exclusive use in agricultural work. Its intended function is
the transport and spreading of chopped forage material.
Any use beyond this will be considered as improper.
The manufacturer will not be held responsible for any damage
resulting thereof. The user will solely bear the risk.
Adherence to all operating, servicing and maintenance conditions specified by the manufacturer will also be part
of ‘proper use’.
The vehicle may only be operated, maintained and serviced by people who are acquainted with the said vehicle
and its equipment and have been instructed as to the dangers involved.
Any unauthorized modifications carried out on the machine will invalidate the product liability and the
manufacturer’s liability for any damage resulting thereof.
Any costs arising from modifications or malfunctions due to peculiarities of the tractor or carelessness on the part
of the operator will not borne by the Strautmann Company.
Only genuine Strautmann spare parts may be used!