![STOVES ST SDW45 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 11](http://html1.mh-extra.com/html/stoves/st-sdw45/st-sdw45_instruction-manual_1383142011.webp)
1. The sa lt co ntainer must only be refilled when the salt warning light in the control panel comes on.
Depending on how well the salt dissolves, the salt warning light may still be on even though the
salt container is filled.
If there is no salt warning light in the control panel (for some Models),you can estimate when to fill
the salt into the softener by the cycles that the dishwasher has run.
2. If there are spills of the salt, a soak or a rapid program should be run to remove the excessive salt.
Always u se th e sa lt int end ed f or u se wit h dis hwash er.
The sa lt con tai ner is loca ted be neath th e low er b aske t an d sho uld be fil led a s exp laine d
in th e fo llowin g:
Attenti on!
Only u se sa lt spe cific ally d esign ed for the u se in dishw ashe rs! Ev er y oth er t ype o f
salt n ot sp ecif ically desi gne d fo r th e use in a d ishwa sher , es pecia lly ta ble salt, wi ll
dam age the wate r so fte ner. In c ase o f da ma ges ca use d by t he u se of unsu ita ble
salt t he m anu fa ctur er doe s no t give any wa rr an ty no r is lia ble f or a ny d ama ges caus ed.
Only f ill with s alt ju st be for e st art ing o ne o f th e com ple te wa shin g pr og ram s.
Th is will pr eve nt an y gr ain s of sa lt or salt y wate r, wh ich m ay ha ve be en spille d,
rem ain ing o n th e bo tto m of the m ac hine for any p er iod o f tim e, wh ich m ay ca use
cor ro sion.
T he r inse aid is rel ease d during th e f inal rinse to prevent w ater fr om form ing dropl ets on your di shes , whi ch can
leave spots and streaks. I t also im proves dryi ng by all owi ng water t o roll of f the dishes. Your dishwasher is
de signed to use liqui d rinse aids. The rins e ai d di spens er is located i ns ide the door next t o t he det erg ent dispenser.
To fill t he dis penser, o pen t he ca p and pour the rin se aid into the d ispenser until t he l ev el indi cator turns com plet ely
black. The vo lum e of t he rinse aid container is about 110ml.
Rinse Aid Dispe nser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse ai d is automatical ly added during the l ast ri nse, ensur ing t horough ri nsi ng, and spot and str eak free dr ying.
Only use branded rinse ai d f or dishwasher. Never f il l t he r inse ai d dispenser with any other substances
( e.g. Di shwasher cl eani ng agent, l iqui d deter gent) . This would dam age the appl iance.
Full fi ll the s alt c onta iner wit h wa ter,I t i s n ormal fo r a s mall a mount o f wa ter to come o ut o f t he
salt con ta iner.
Afte r the low er b as ket ha s be en r emo ved , u nscrew an d re mov e the c ap fro m th e sa lt co ntainer.
P lace the end of the fu nne l (su pplied ) into the h ole an d int ro duc e ab out 1.5k g of dish was her sa lt.
A fter fill ing the container , sc re w th e ca p tight ly bac k clockw is e.
The salt w arni ng li ght will stop being a fter the sal t containe r h as b een fil led wi th salt.
Immediately a fter fill in g the sal t i nt o t he s alt c ont ainer, a wa sh in g pr ogra m sho ul d be star te d
p ro gr am
Otherw is e the fi lter sy stem, pump or o ther imp or tant parts of th e machine may b e da mage d
by s al ty w ater. Thi s is out of w arra nty.
(We sug gest to u se a sho rt
) .