13 | Diagnostics
02/2019 | ID 442728.05
The drive controller has a self-monitoring system that uses test rules to protect the drive system
from damage. Violating the test rules triggers a corresponding event. There is no possible way
for you as the user to intervene in some events, such as event Short/ground. In other cases,
such as event Overspeed, you can define the triggering threshold and the response.
Possible responses include:
Message: Information that can be evaluated by the controller
Warning: Information that can be evaluated by the controller and becomes a fault after a
defined time span has elapsed without the cause being resolved
Fault: Immediate drive controller response; the drive either stops applying torque/force or is
brought to a stop through a quick stop or emergency braking
Events, their causes and suitable measures are listed below. If the cause of the error is
corrected, you can usually acknowledge the error immediately. If the drive controller has to be
restarted instead, a corresponding note can be found in the measures.
The following table shows the possible events at a glance.
Event 32: Short/ground internal [
Event 38: Temperature drive controller sensor [
Event 39: Overtemperature drive controller i2t [
Event 45: Overtemp.motor i2t [