Throttle cable with one short-
circuit wire
Remove screw.
- Pull off handle.
Remove screws with screw-dri-
ver (1) 5910 890 2301.
- Separate the two halves of the
Slightly pull up interlock lever (1)
and turn it aside until torsion
spring (2) is relaxed.
Draw interlock lever off its pivot
Unhook torsion spring.
Pull throttle trigger (1) with tor-
sion spring (2) and fitted throttle
cable (3) off its pivot pin.
Unhook throttle cable from
throttle trigger.
The parts are assembled in rever-
se order.
After hooking in the throttle
cable, slip torsion spring over pi-
vot pin and slide the long leg of
the spring into the slot.
The interlock lever must lie
behind the throttle trigger.
- Screw both halves of the handle
together with a torque of 2.5 Nm.
Throttle trigger / interlock lever