R 8-Oct-05 / P 27-Jul-06
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Fig 3: The safety switch
Getting The Best From Your X3R
To get the most from your X3R, follow these hints and
When using the X3R in a car park or other crowded
steer it manually by holding onto the
handle. This will ensure that you remain in control
of the X3R and that it will not cause any unintended
damage or injury.
If you are going to leave your X3R unattended, turn
the safety switch to the off position (‘0’). The switch
is located on the rear cover (fig 3).
Your X3R is designed for use on the fairway. Do not attempt to drive the X3R through
bunkers or deep puddles.
Do not
attempt to drive your X3R down steps or off high
When negotiating kerbs, you may need to assist the X3R by lifting the front or back.
Under no circumstances should you try to make the X3R ‘jump’ up or down kerbs.
To Help Conserve Battery Power
Try not to overload your bag. Extra weight in your golf bag will reduce the life of your
battery and change the characteristics of the X3R's operation.
Try to keep the X3R on the fairway, as long grass and rugged terrain will sap strength
from the battery.
When negotiating hills, try not to let the X3R 'pull' you.
Make sure that you charge the battery as soon as possible after each round that you
play. The supplied
charger is designed to allow you to leave the battery on
charge until your next round.
Failure to charge the battery within 24 hours of
finishing a round can cause irreparable damage to the battery
Avoid subjecting the battery to extremes of temperature, as this will shorten its life.
. This can cause internal damage, which is both
severely debilitating and irreparable.