Why are Manufacturing Test and Certification mode not available for customers?
A. These modes are areas of the SatComm firmware that are only used by Stevens internal personel to do calibration
and specific testing of the system that are unrelated to the customer’s use of the product. If the customer had access
to the functions contained in this part of SatComm firmware, then there is potential to change the calibration and
cause the unit to be out of spec and if used this way, could be flagged by the our certifying agency, NOAA.
What is the difference between “Low Power Standby Mode”, “Online Mode”, and “Off-Line Mode”?
A. Low Power Standby Mode and Online Mode are the same. When the SatComm unit is Online, it is in a low
power state that we call Low Power Standby Mode. All the LEDs are out and the unit is consuming the minimal
amount of power. There is a process when the unit is put Online by either selecting 3 from the Off-Line Menu or
pressing the “Switch to Online Mode” button in the GUI. Both the GUI and the terminal program will show the
following message before getting to the Online state:
SATCOMM acquiring GPS time and date
Enter “B” to go back to Off Line
SATCOMM Autocalibrating…..Please Wait
SATCOMM On Line Status: Confirmed
At this point SatComm is in Low Power Standby Mode, AKA On Line. Power will automatically come back on for
either a Timed or Random transmission, and LEDs will light up. As soon as the unit is finished with the
transmission, it will resume On Line mode (LEDs off).
Off Line mode is when the SatComm is not in any scheduling mode. It is powered and waiting for instructions of
commands. LEDs are lit. Off Line mode is used for doing setup and diagnostics. When the unit is prepared, it can
then be put into On Line mode to begin (or resume) Standard and Random transmissions.
How do I get the SatComm unit Off-Line once it is Online?
A. There are a couple of methods that can be used to go Off Line:
If the terminal program is used (such as Hyperterm) to go On Line, connect to SatComm with the
terminal again and hit any key. The following message will be displayed:
1 = Display System Status
2 = Go Off Line
3 = Clear Fail Safe Flag
4 = Go Back To Low Power Standby
Select 2 to go Off Line
If the terminal program was used (such as Hyperterm) to go On Line, open up the GUI program
SatCommSet and press the “Connect” button.
If the GUI program SatCommSet was used to go On Line, open up the GUI program SatCommSet
again and press the “Connect” button.