Stevens SatComm
For use with SatCommSet or Terminal Setup programs
What are the channel assignments for On Air Test Mode?
A. The assigned GOES test channels are as follows:
GOES West 300 Baud: Channel 196
GOES West 1200 Baud: Channel 499 (look for it on channel 200)
GOES East 300 Baud: Channel 195
GOES East 1200 Baud: Channel 497
Why do the LEDs go all the way out? I can’t tell if the unit is powered.
A. When SatComm is OnLine, it is in low-power standby mode waiting for the schedule transmission time or for
a Random transmission sequence. For optimum lowest power, the LEDs, which draw current, are turned off to
conserve batter life. LEDs come on during a Timed or Random transmission sequence, or when the unit is in Off
Line mode.
Why can’t I go Online until I have a GPS lock?
A. We designed SatComm using a GPSDO (GPS disciplined oscillator) instead of an expensive and fault-prone
OCXO. Because of this, the frequency stability is only ensured when there is a GPS lock. We make sure we have a
frequency and time lock before going online. After the first initial GPS lock, the SatComm calibrates the internal
RTC (real time clock) using the GPS acquired time and fixes the frequency so that it can continue transmitting
within its channel assignment in the absence of GPS signal for up to 24 hours. Normally, a GPS lock is obtained
every time the SatComm turns on for a scheduled transmission. Not getting a GPS lock is rare, and is a function of
good GPS antenna placement.
Why is it taking so long to get a GPS lock?
A. It can take up to 15min, depending on the part of the world that the SatComm unit was shipped to, for the GPS to
receive all the almanac data from the GPS satellites. It is a good idea to allow the SatComm unit to stay in Off Line
mode, with a GPS antenna connected, until a GPS fix is achieved before trying to go online.
Why can’t I connect with the GUI?
A. There are a couple of reasons you may not be able to connect with the GUI:
In order to connect using the GUI, the SatComm needs to be in the Off Line Menu state (from the
terminal program). If the unit was left in another menu (I.E. System Setup), then the GUI will not
connect. You can either navigate back to the Off Line Menu or you can cycle the power to the unit.
If the unit was in OnLine mode (low power standby mode), then power was removed, you will not be
able to connect using the GUI until the unit is repowered and a GPS lock is achieved (GPS LED is off)
and SatComm has entered low-power standby mode again.