the touch faucet has an advanced battery level management system
consisting of two steps:
Step 1
the battery still has enough power to open and close the solenoid valve.
at this first step the battery level management system allows the solenoid
valve to open and close but will activate a warning indicator light.
the led at the back of the touch cap will blink twice when the battery
level management system has activated step 1 and the user touches the
designated area.
Step 2
at his point the battery might not have enough power to open and close
the solenoid valve.
the battery level management system does not allow the solenoid valve
to open. Instead of providing an opening and closing pulse, the system
provides two closing pulses.
the led at the back of the touch cap will blink three times when the
battery level management system has activated step 2 and the user
touches the designated area. Water will not flow since the solenoid will
not be opened.