Performance Test
28 SA-103-0109V1.3-HAO-GB
F. Stephan GmbH
1 y – piece
2 rspiratory
3 feed line for control gas
7.6.1 Basic
Circle system in operating mode
Calibrate respiratory pressure gauge
Remove mask from y - piece
Slip feed line for control gas (3) onto the Y - piece (1), so that the
circle system forms a closed space.
Execution of the Test
Fig. 7: Pressure regulating valve
Adjust the flow of oxygen to 5 l/min
Cover the values imprinted on the pressure regulating valve and
control them by means of the respiratory pressure gauge.
Do not go beyond 50 mbar, otherwise there is danger of overload.
Tolerance: +/- 5 mbar
If tolerance limits are exceeded, exchange of the valve is necessary.