Possible cause
Corrective action
Jack will not lift or
lower load
Insufficient oil level
Check oil level as per the following instructions:
1. Turn the release valve counterclockwise so that the piston
goes down fully. If the lifting arm does not go down, use force.
2. Place jack in a vertical position, open oil filler plug. Oil level
should be at the level of the lower point of the filler hole.
If the oil level is lower, top up oil to the required level. Use only
recommended type of oil.
3. Return the oil filler plug back home.
4. Close the release valve and lift fully and lower the lifting arm
of the jack several times. This will help fully distribute oil
in the whole system. In most cases, this helps to restore
the serviceability of the item.
5. Check operation of the jack.
Air is trapped in the
system of the jack
1. Turn the release valve counterclockwise by one full turn and
make six full strokes with the handle.
2. Turn the release valve clockwise as far as it goes
so as to close it fully.
3. Continue to pump the pump with the handle until the lifting
arm occupies the upper position and pump handle several
more strokes so as to blow all the air from the piston.
4. Carefully open oil filler plug partially so as to release
the trapped air.
5. Turn the release valve counterclockwise by one full turn;
lower the lifting arm to the extreme low position. Use force,
if necessary.
6. Close the release valve clockwise as far as it goes and check
serviceability of the jack. If necessary, repeat the above-
mentioned procedure one more time.
Jack will not lower
The return spring of
the lifting arm has
slipped off or is broken
Drive it home or replace.
Lubricate all moving parts of the lifting arm.
Oil level is too high
Check oil level and drain excess by opening the oil filler plug.
Prior to utilization of the item all working fluid should be drained from it. To do this, turn the release valve
counterclockwise so that the piston goes full way down, and then close the valve. Open the oil filler plug
and drain all the oil.
The STELS equipment is realized via sales outlets and shops in accordance with the legislature of the
Russian Federation. Utilization of STELS equipment is performed in accordance with the requirements
and norms
of Russia and countries — participants of the Customs Union.
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