Ironing Tips and Techniques
The SteamJet Station Iron is more efficient than older steam irons, conserving
water and producing more powerful microbursts in a more focused way. The
holes of the soleplate are closer together and are fewer than a conventional
iron. This is international. By placing the steam holes close to the tip of the
soleplate, like a professional ironing system, you are better able to direct
concentrated bursts of steam to remove wrinkles. Instead of wetting whole
areas of a garment, now you can concentrate on the problem area using less
water than before. And because it is pumped cool and heated only to the
point necessary to produce steam, it dries quicker when you apply the
remainder of the soleplate in the ironing process. Now you can aovoid
spotting, wet areas and stains altogether by using the Steamjet Station Iron.
ALWAYS allow the iron to heat up to the desired setting. Three to five
minutes for best results.
ALWAYS try to arrange your garments to be ironed from the most delicate
fabrics, i.e. synthetics, to heavier ones like cotton. Irons take more time to
cool down than to heat up and you cold have to wait while the iron cools.
NOTE: Be sure to check each garment’s label for proper ironing
Set the Temperature Control Dial at the minimum setting for any delicate
Garments which use the lowest settings CANNOT be steam ironed.
When the garment label indicates using a COOL setting, use the
MINIMUM setting.
When the garment label indicate using a WARM setting, use the setting
that is proper for that particular fabric or blend. Check the Fabric Chart on
page 11 if you are unsure.
(Continued on next page.)