Step 6 - Smart APP
Once your SYNC or Blink Up has been successful,
the following screen will appear.
You are now able to toggle (touch) the bar identified
by Temperature and Humidity.
Do not be alarmed by the higher temperatures
initially, your Steak Locker is designed to calibrate
itself .This can take up to 6 hours dependant on your
location, latent humidity and elevation.
Once your ready to dry age, simply touch the ADD
TO MY LOCKER or the PLUS + symbol on the top
right of the dashboard. To deleet an item, just move
the item left and delete.
This app is very intuitive and self explanatory. Just
follow the instructions on the app. We suggest, when
asked for a “nickname”, to use the date when first
you put the meat inside the Steak Locker. This will
always give you an accurate start date. It never
expires, whereas the visual dry aging circle will
complete its time allocation.
Smart Application Operating
The Art of Dry-Aging Steak