The patch is powered by a button
cell battery. Therefore, it should not
be thrown out in the regular household waste
but disposed of according to the local waste
regulations for batteries and electricalgoods.
The SteadyTemp packaging is recyclable and
can be disposed of in the paper bin.
Position for NFC-Communication
App-notifications about unusual body
temperature values can temporarily appear
due to extreme environmental influences
If that is the case, please check if the patch is
still properly attached and read it again after
some time. Should the problem persist for
more than 6 hours, please contact our technical
support via E-Mail:
“Temperature outside range“
If your currently measured temperature is
outside the defined measurement range, then
it will not be displayed in the temperature
chart. In the field: “Last measurement”, either
“Lo” (for low temperature) or “Hi” (for high
temperature) will be displayed.
“Threshold alert“
After patch read-out, the app will inform you
when the measured temperature exceeds your
selected high temperature threshold for a
certain duration.
In the user management you can view the data
of all users created in the app. If you want to
change a user name or delete the user, then
swipe the user name to the left to make the
Ensure NFC is activated
User assignment:
Follow app instructions
1. Apply Patch
The patch should be
applied to clean dry
skin, free from cream or
deodorant. To apply the
patch relax your shoulder,
put your hand on your hip
and place 3 fingers directly under your arm.
Make sure that the round edges of the patch
point up and downwards.
2. Activate Patch
After 10 minutes you
can activate the patch.
Patch activation is a two
step process. Tap on the
patch icon in the app and
hold the backside of your
smartphone against the
patch in order connect the patch to a user.
After connection, hold the backside of your
smartphone against the patch to activate it – a
vibration will confirm successful activation.
3. Read Patch
After a successful data
transfer the app displays your
current body temperature
and stored temperature
curves. Please note that
measured temperature
values are processed by
SteadyTemp for display purposes. Reliable
temperature values are available about 1 hour
after the patch has been activated.
Download SteadyTemp app:
Before applying the patch, wash with non-
greasing soap and thoroughly dry the skin
under the arm. The patch application area can
also be cleaned using a suitable alcohol pad.
• Do not use deodorant or cream beforehand.
• When applying the patch, remove the small
part of the carrier foil first.
• Do not touch the adhesive side of the patch,
this could reduce overall adhesiveness.
• After applying the patch, smooth it out gently
on all sides to fix it in place.
• The patch should be read via NFC at least
once a day.
• Hold your smartphone as still as possible
while activating and reading the patch.
• Remove the patch immediately if it becomes
uncomfortable or causes skin irritation.
• Do not do physically intense sport or any
other activities that cause excessive perspiring
(sauna or steam room) while wearing the
• Throughout the day, small variations in body
temperature occur, which are shown by the
continuous measurement.
Type of device:
Clinical thermometer
Measuring site:
Type of use:
Single use product
Typical application duration:
7 days
Measurement range:
+30 to +42°C
Measurement accuracy:
displays relative changes of the axillary
temperature with a maximum deviation of
Operating mode:
Direct mode,
Measurement interval/time response:
300 seconds
Operating conditions:
tempe15 to +42°C, RH: 15 to 95%,
air pressure: 86 to 106 kPA
Transport and storage conditions:
Environmental temperature: 0 to +40°C,
RH: 15 to 95%, air pressure: 86 to 106 kPa
System compatibility:
iOS 13 or higher on iPhone 7
or newer models
Android OS 6.0
Marshmallow or newer on an NFC
enabled smartphone
: 65 x 60 x 3 mm
3 grams
Power source:
3V lithium button cell
battery (not replacable)
IPX5: Protection
against waterjets from any direction