(Challenge game modes: M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M8, M9, M10, M11,
M12, M13, M14, M15, M17, M19, M26, M27, M29, M42, M43, M45,
M47, M49, M50)
1. Letter Pair
When the game starts, you will be shown an upper case letter to the left
side of the screen and some options for a lower case letter on the right
side. Your task is to fi nd the corresponding lower case letter to match the
upper case letter to the left.
When you match a pair of letters, you will receive 100 points. You can
continue to play this game until your score reaches 9,900 or alternatively
press the ESC key
to quit this game.
Time limit: 99 seconds
Control keys:
and ‘B’
keys: To select a lower case letter.
keys: To confi rm the selection.
2. Letter Order I
When the game starts, you will be shown fi ve (5) letters. Your task is to
place the letters in alphabetical order.
When you complete a set of letters, you will receive 100 points. You can
continue to play this game until your score reaches 9,900 or alternatively
press the ESC key
to quit this game.
Time limit: 99 seconds
Control keys: Letter keys.
3. Letter Order II
When the game starts, you will be shown a letter sequence question.
Your task is to identify the letter that completes the sequence.
When you answer the question correctly, you will receive 100 points.
You can continue to play this game until your score reaches 9,900 or
alternatively press the ESC key
to quit this game.
Time limit: 99 seconds
Control keys: Letter keys.