Handbook for the TRIUS PRO-694C Issue 1 September 2020
Some details of the camera and CCD characteristics
The TRIUS PRO-694C uses a Sony ICX695ALG ‘EXview’ progressive scan CCD, with
2750 x 2200 x 4.54uM pixels in a 12.48 x 9.98mm active area. This EXview device
CCD type:
Sony ICX695ALG EXview interline imager.
CCD size:
Active area 12.48mm x 9.98mm
CCD pixels:
2750 x 2200 pixel array. Each pixel is 4.54 x 4.54uM square
Bayer Matrix:
RGBG primary colour
Well depth:
Full res. mode 18,000e. Binned 2x2 mode approx. 22,000e
Mean visual QE:
70%, 77% at peak (580nM)
Useful spectral response:
360nM – 1100nM
Readout noise:
Approx. 4e RMS typical, 8e max.
Back focal distance:
CCD is approximately 17.5mm from the barrel front.
Camera size:
75mm diameter x 70mm long